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В тылу врага: Штурм 2В тылу врага: Штурм 2 (Men of War: Assault Squad 2) — продолжение знаменитой стратегии «В тылу врага 2: Штурм» предлагает новые режимы одиночной игры, в которых вам предстоит принять участие в разнообразных военных операциях – от грандиозных танковых сражений до скрытных снайперских диверсий.
Последняя версия: 3.262.0 — 3.262.1.
Версии одинаковые, в патче просто добавили поддержку китайского языка.
Скачать последнюю версию (4,08 ГБ)

The Last Samurai v1.0.0

2 167
Загружено: 04 окт 2023, 21:23
Автор: Ninzygi
Опубликовал: Ninzygi
Версия мода: 1.0.0
Версия игры: 3.262.0, 3.262.1
The Last Samurai v1.0.0

This mod is not from the same developer you might think about XD). (Wiga)
This mod was inspired by the mod " Last Grenadier". You'll see her one big mission with a reworked old map and a brand new part. Also in the beginning of the game you'll see a sniper with a unique weapon. 
Pay attention to everything you see, a lot of secrets are waiting for you. You can find something that can make the game  easier and  some references. The Boss will wait for you in the end.

Есть другие версии этого мода.
There are other versions of this mod.
Russian - Последний Самурай
English - The Last Samurai - Текущая/current.

It's highly recommended for the first time not to take the "Heroic" level, especially for a new one in "MOW". 
There can be some bugs, because the mod was done in a hurry. If you find some bugs let me know in the comments below. 
The mission needs time to get loaded because of more than 20k objects on the map.

Pay attention to everything. You can find abandoned trucks or tanks, which can be useful, but they are not seen in the mini map.
There are no doctors in that mission, so keep your soldiers safe. You will need a lot of anti-tank bazooks.

 Will there be an update to that mod? I plan to add traps from Vietnam and make the mission bigger. 
Does the cooperative work? I have no idea, I've done nothing. Check -  the video with the inscription doesn't work well. I know tat and I know how to fix that ( at least i think so) , but decided not to postpone the mod because of that.

If you have any questions  feel free to write in the comments. 

Also you can  give some ideas to improve the mission.

Enjoy the game and I hope you won't "meet" the bugs! 

Размер файла: 1,08 ГБСкачать
Как установить мод для игры – В тылу врага: Штурм 2:
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  1. dgn
    dgn [Проверенный]
    4 октября 2023 22:54

    Just rated (positively, naturally) !

    Many thanks, friend.
