Ukraine at War v001i-1c

Этот мод позволяет имитировать боевые действия между Вооруженными Силами Украины и Российской Федерации. Все транспортные средства и униформа были изменены, чтобы соответствовать тем, которые в настоящее время используются воюющими силами.
Мод добавляет следующие фракции:
- Сухопутные войска Украины.
- Сухопутные войска России.
Не выбирайте и не играйте в одиночные миссии в кампаниях, потому что этот режим еще не поддерживается. Мы планируем ввести поддержку во второй половине 2024-25 года.
Мод Warfighter больше не требуется как зависимость от нашего мода и его больше нельзя использовать или активировать, наш мод теперь полностью автономный. Не совместим с другими глобальными модами.
[LD] - Changed BMD-4 model and has been renamed to BMD-4M (Russia).
[LD] - Changed T-80UM model, so T-80U and T-80UM will not share the same model anymore (Russia).
[LD] - Fixed the last additions that was not displayed by the thermal devices, including Leopard 2A4, Leopard 2A6, CV-9040, BMP-2D, BMP-2, Challenger, T5 Ukraine SSO.
[LD] - Reworked the Russian Conquest technology tree based on strenght of forces/stats for equipments.
[LD] - Reworked the Ukrainian Conquest technology tree based on strenght of forces/stats for equipments.
[LD] - Changed mechanized units vehicles for the Russian mechanized units, mostly VDV.
[LD] - Added 122mm artillery shells to the "" file, ammo trucks could not refill the D-30 with ammo, this is now fixed.
[LD] - Added "accurate" 122mm shells entities for the D-30. (Credits: Trofa/Trofim from "Operation Storm from the East"/ CTA:Gates of Hell)
[LD] - Added multiple AK-74M model, the one marked with [RUSTY] has less reliability than the normal AK-74M and has slightly more chance of jamming. (Credits: "Operation Storm from the East")
[LD] - Reduced drastically the western weapons used by Ukraine for lower tiers and replaced them with the newest AK models.
[LD] - Changed some weapons to Russian low tiers accordingly with the newest AK-74M additions.
[LD] - Added Leopard 1a5. (Ukraine)
[LD] - Added 122mm D-30. (Russia)
[LD] - Added 122mm D-30. (Ukraine)
[LD] - Retextured the MTLB. (Russia)
[LD] - Retextured the Ural truck. (Russia)
[LD] - Retextured the Ural truck. (Ukraine)
[LD] - Retextured the KAMAZ truck. (Russia)
[LD] - Retextured the T-80U. (Ukraine)
[LD] - Adjusted seats for T-80U to 3 places instead of 4. (Russia)
[LD] - Adjusted seats for T-80UM to 3 places instead of 4. (Russia)
[LD] - Adjusted seats for T-80U to 3 places instead of 4. (Ukraine)
[LD] - Changed the model for T-72B 1989 K-1 to T-72B 1989, so unfortunately no more K-1 era on the side because the past models had a lot of issues with volumes. (Ukraine)
[LD] - Changed model of the Leopard 2A4. (Ukraine)
[LD] - Added BMP-2D (Russia)
[LD] - Changed BMP-2 model as the former one had issues, also retextured them a bit (Russia/Ukraine)
[LD] - Changed humanskins models for Ukraine T5.
[LD] - Changed body-armor model for Russian T5.
[LD] - Retextured MATV (Ukraine) (Credit: Geolog/OperationDenazification)
[LD] - Added BMP-1AM (Russia) (Credits: Logan for the model assembling, WarFighter for the .def, Trofim/OperationDenazification for textures)
[SB] - Reworked the Russian Conquest Technology tree.
[SB] - Reworked the Ukrainian Conquest Technology tree.
[SB] - Adjusted localizations names for Ukraine infantry.
[SB] - Changed background in the main menu.
[LD] - Updated the CV-9040 according to IRL stats.
[LD] - Reworked again the Challenger2 .def file and edited the stats to make it a bit less OP (ATGM literally could not penetrate it even on sides).
[LD] - Removed enterable entities from the map "Peromaiske" (Conquest).
[LD] - Removed enterable entities from "Soledar" (Conquest).
[SB] - Replaced the spawning points for "Robotino" (Conquest).
[LD] - Changed the portrait of infantry for each factions (including chechens).
[LD] - Ukrainian infantry has full form names back again (first_name last_name), something was missing in the localization from a few updates back.
21.04.24 - 001f:
[LD] - Added D-20 (UGF) (Big thanks to Yuri 5.56 for allowing us to use his work)
[LD] - Added M777 (UGF) (Big thanks to Yuri 5.56 for allowing us to use his work)
[LD] - Added BGM-71 TOW (UGF)
[LD] - Added unlimited thermal time for BGM-71 TOW (UGF)
[LD] - Added Milan-er (UGF)
[LD] - Added unlimited thermal time for Milan-er (UGF)
[LD] - Added D-20 (RGF) (Big thanks to Yuri 5.56 for allowing us to use his work)
[LD] - Added unlimited thermal time for AT-14 ATGM (RGF)
21.04.24 - 001e:
[LD] - Improved the damages taken by some vehicles. (Partially fixed)
[LD] - Replaced the model for T-72B1(T-72B Obr. 1984) aswell with a new texture(RGF) (Its still a WT model but imported by someone else)
[LD] - Replaced the model for T-72B3(RGF) (Its still a WT model but imported by someone else)
[LD] - Replaced the model for T-64BV(RGF) (Its still a WT model but imported by someone else)
[LD] - Replaced the model for T-72B1(T-72B Obr. 1984) and improved the textures(UGF) (Its still a WT model but imported by someone else)
[LD] - Replaced the model for T-72BM(T-72B Obr. 1989) and improved the textures(RGF) (Its still a WT model but imported by someone else)
[LD] - Replaced the model for T-64BV(UGF) (Its still a WT model but imported by someone else)
[LD] - New texture for BMP-2 (UGF)
[LD] - Fixed seats for M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA (UGF).
[LD] - Fixed seats for M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA ARAT (UGF).
[LD] - Changed T5 mechanized unit's IFV to M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA ARAT (UGF).
[LD] - Now most of tanks armor components should fall when it get damaged, for example if you shoot on the side of an T-72B1 the k1 era will fall down. ( Not all of them )
[LD] - Added unlimited thermal time for BM-OPLOT.
[LD] - Toned down AI from spawning tanks too much for conquest (Inspired by WF).
[LD] - Added unlimited thermal time for T-80BVM/UBH (Inspired by WF).
[LD] - Added Alternative gun mod for T-80BVM/UBH (Inspired by WF).
08.04.24 - 001d:
[GEO] - New texture for T-90M and T-90M UBH
[LD] - Fixed thermal for humanskins. ( Only humanskin models for now, for stuff like helmets and body armor it will be done aswell but on a later state as this is a lot of work )
[LD] - Changed the T5 humanskins SSO (RGF)
[LD] - Addition of new model and texture for: T-64BV (RGF)
[LD] - New texture for T-64BV (UGF)
[LD] - Interchanged the price inbetween the M1A1SA with the Challenger2 (UGF)
[LD] - Interchanged location of buttons in the Conquest tree for the M1A1SA with the Challenger2 (UGF)
[LD] - Placed back the original difficulty "easy" file with normal resources on conquest as i did forget the "cheated" in the last update used for testing purposes.
05.04.24 - 001c:
[LD] - Fixed minimap missing icons.
[LD] - Addition of new model and texture for: T-80UK (RGF)
[LD] - Fixed thermal for vehicles as they wasnt shown in white when entering the thermal mod.
[LD] - Added new background music for main menu, multiplayer, conquest, loading time, win and lose.
[LD] - Removed the avalaible mechanized units when a new conquest has been started (RGF)(UGF)
[LD] - Fixed the seats for the BMD-4A. (RGF)
[YAB] - Fixed the seats for the BMP-3M (bmp3_dz) (RGF)
02.04.24 - 001a:
[LD] - Addition of new model and texture for: T-72AV (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: T-72B (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: T-72BM (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: T-72B3 (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: T-72B3M (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: T-72B3M UBH (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: T-80U (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: T-80UM (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: T-80BV (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: T-80BVM (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: T-90A (RGF)
[LD] - Addition of new vehicle model and texture for: T-80BVM UBH (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: BTR-80 (RGF)
[LD] - Addition of new model and texture for: BTR-80M (Only mechanized squad) (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: BTR-82a (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: BMP-1 (RGF)
[LD] - New texture for: BMP-1P (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: BMP-2 (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: BMP-2M (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: BMP-3 (RGF)
[LD] - New texture for: BMPT-72 Terminator (RGF)
[LD] - Addition of new vehicle model and texture for: BMP-1 (RGF)
[LD] - New model and texture for: BMD-2 (RGF)
[LD] - Addition of new model and texture for: MT-LB (RGF)
[LD] - New texture for: T-90M (RGF)
[LD] - New texture for: T-90M UBH (RGF)
[LD] - New texture for: BRDM (RGF)
[LD] - New texture for: 2S3 Akatsyia (RGF)
[LD] - New texture for: 2S19 Msta-S (RGF)
[LD] - Changed vehicles in mechanized units.
[LD] - Addition of new model and texture for: PT-76B (RGF)
[LD] - Addition of new model and texture for: T-62M (RGF)
[LD] - New texture for: GAZ Tigr (RGF)
[LD] - Reinstalled back the URAL-ZU (Anti Air) (RGF)
[LD] - New texture for: Humvee (M2HB) (UGF)
[LD] - New texture for: Humvee (TOW) (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: Humvee (DSHK) (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: Humvee (MK19) (UGF)
[LD] - New texture for: Pickups (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: Pickup-ZU (Anti Air) (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: DINGO (MG3) (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: BMP-1P (UGF)
[LD] - New texture for: BMP-1 (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: BMP-2 (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: BTR-80 (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: BTR-80M (Mechanized Unit) (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: Challenger2 (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: CV-9030 (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: CV-9040 (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: M1A1SA Abrams (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA ARAT (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: Marder (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: MT-LB (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: Panzer 2000 (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: FV- 103 Spartan (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: Stryker (M2HB) (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: Stryker Armored (M2HB) (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: T-64BV (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: T-72A (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: T-72AV (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: T-72B1 (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: T-72BU (T-72B Obr. 1989 K-1) (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: T-80BV (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: T-80U (UGF)
[LD] - Addition of new Model and New texture for: UH-60 Blackhawk (UGF)
[LD] - Reinstalled back the URAL-ZU (Anti Air) (UGF)
[LD] - New texture for: BM-OPLOT (UGF)
[LD] - New texture for: URAL-4320(all version) (UGF)
[LD] - New texture for: Leopard 2a4 (UGF)
[LD] - New texture for: Leopard 2a6 (UGF)
[LD] - New texture for: 2S3 Akatsyia (UGF)
[LD] - Changed humanskins for T2, T3, T4 (Credit: Trofim aka Geolog from his "Operation Denazification of Ukraine" mod) (UGF)
[LD] - Changed loadouts of weapons for Ukraine infantry to be more realistic (Credit:Yuri from Warfighter) (UGF)
[LG] - Addition of MG-42 as small arm.
[LD] - Made the "Independant" version, Ukraine At War do not require Warfighter anymore (Thanks a lot to their authors, especially Yuri for the permission!).
[LD] - Removed Wagner ( This will be added in the Russian roster just like Chechens for the next update )
[YAB] - Provided all the material about new editor assets and vehicles additions.
[GEO] - Provided model and textures for new Ukraine humanskins, and new texture for GAZ Tigr vehicle (Russia).
[SB] - Reorganised, corrected and fixed the new editor assets provided.
[SB] - Categorised GEM Editor categories.
[SB] - Realised new Russian Conquest map icons.
[SB] - Collaborated with LD about vehicles.
[SB] - Historical Reserches.
[Wernar_] - New map installed "Village Pobeda". (Only in multiplayers for now)
28.08.23 - версия 0.8e1 beta:
[LD] - Fixed the missing skins in the following breeds for the Russian Ground Forces, th_heavy_assault, th_marksman, th_shotgunner, tx_at_02, tx_engineer_02,
27.08.23 - версия 0.8e beta:
[LD] - Installed a new MI-24 model for all the three factions to replace the vanilla models
[LD] - Installed a MI-17 equipped with rocket launchers wing pads for Ukraine Ground Forces
[LD] - Tweaked the T-72B3 series stats so that they match better their real counterparts ones and to create more diversification among them ( All T-72B3 series tanks previously shared the exact same stats for each of them )
[LD] - Increased a little bit the armor stats for the T-72B3M and T-72B3M UBH
[LD] - Installed the T-90M UBH from the editor to the multiplayer and conquest modes
[LD] - Decreased a little bit the BM Oplot armor stats which were too overpowered in respect to its real counterpart
[LD] - Improved the faces of Ukraine T2 and T4, they have now new ones
[LD] - Installed bags, bandanas and other stuffs for Ukraine Ground Forces troops
[LD] - New humanskins for T2B Russia Ground Forces ( Motostrelki+ )
[LD] - Added more varied helmets variants to Ukraine's T2 troops and added boonie hats for T4 ones ( Ukraine Ground Forces )
[LD] - Added the file named " library.set " to change the background colour displayed behind UKR units, from red to blue, when the in-game tab " LIBRARY " is selected
[LD] - Edited the tp_control.set file so to display arms and hands when in first person view
[LD] - Fixed the Evacuation game mode that was crashing because of corrupted files
[SB] - Edited the textures about the small arms and rifles so to remove the reloading bar
[SB] - Added the folder named " crosshair " ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/cursor/ )
[SB] - Edited the relevant files in the folder named " crosshair " so that now all units share the same crosshairs when in 3rd person view ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/cursor/crosshair/ )
[SB] - Removed all the .pat files from the mod because I've found a way to not use them. With the new system used, factions selection always work when the game is loaaded!
[SB] - Added the usa.set, grm.set, uaf.set and ger.set files ( Path: UAW_set.pak/set/multiplayer/armies/ )
[SB] - Edited the file named " dlg_frontend.pot " so to match the new modifications made above by editing line # 4275 ( Path: localizations/default.pak/default/interface/text/ )
[SB] - Added the usa, uaf, grm and ger blank flags to the relevant folder ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/pages/main/dynamic_campaign/ )
[SB] - Added a new leaderboard header image ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/pages/main/ )
[SB] - Changed with improved .tga versions the UKR, RUS and WAG flags used by the conquest factions selection menu ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/pages/main/dynamic_campaign/ )
[SB] - Added the folder named " selection " ( Path: UAW_properties.pak/properties/ )
[SB] - Added the blank file named " " to remove the relevant unit marker ( Path: UAW_properties.pak/properties/selection/ )
[SB] - Added the blank file named " " to remove the relevant unit marker ( Path: UAW_properties.pak/properties/selection/ )
[SB] - Added the blank file named " " to remove the relevant unit marker ( Path: UAW_properties.pak/properties/selection/ )
[SB] - Added the blank file named " " to remove the relevant unit marker ( Path: UAW_properties.pak/properties/selection/ )
[SB] - Added the blank file named " " to remove the relevant unit marker ( Path: UAW_properties.pak/properties/selection/ )
[SB] - Added the folder named " controlbar " ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/scene/ )
[SB] - Added the edited file named " kill_00.tga " so to remove the relevant displayed confirmation icon for the kills inflicted by player ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/scene/controlbar/log/ )
[SB] - Added the edited file named " sniper_00.tga0 " so to remove the relevant displayed confirmation icon for the kills inflicted by player ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/scene/controlbar/log/ )
[SB] - Added the edited file named " flag_00.tga0 " so to remove the relevant displayed confirmation icon for the kills inflicted by player ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/scene/controlbar/log/ )
[SB] - Fixed the path of the folder named " crosshair " that was not correctly set by LD ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/cursor/crosshair/ )|
[SB] - Removed the folder named " environment " because it was empty ( Path: UAW_texture.pak/texture/common/ )
[SB] - Added the folder named " crosshair_view " ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/scene/ )
[SB] - Added in the folder above mentioned the edited file named " " to remove the accuracy circle icon ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/scene/crosshair_view/ )
[SB] - Added the folder named " human_view " ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/scene/ )
[SB] - Added in the folder above mentioned the edited files named " human_crawl.tga ", " human_normal.tga ", " human_squat.tga " to remove the useless soldier silhouettes ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/scene/human_view/ )
[SB] - Added new initiative attack and defend icons with red and blue arrows like in GoH for Conquest mode ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/pages/main/dynamic_campaign/ )
[SB] - Added new waving flag images for RUS, UKR and WAG for flag captured points ( Path: UAW_texture.pak/texture/common/service/ )
[SB] - Removed hesco_flag_flag#grm.png, hesco_flag_flag#reb.png and hesco_flag_flag#wag.png because they were using the wrong file extension or obsolete now ( .png instead of .dds )
[SB] - Added the edited image named " " to remove the circle marker displaying the flag captured area ( Path: UAW_texture.pak/texture/common/service/ )
[SB] - Added the edited image named " " to remove the resupply circle marker displaying the resupply area when a vehicle capable of supplying units is selected ( Path: UAW_texture.pak/texture/common/service/ )
[SB] - Changed in the dlg_frontend.pot file the difficulty level names so to better match the Ukranian war standards about this ( Path: localizations/default.pak/default/interface/text/ )
[SB] - Added the folder named " skin " and its sub-folders named " game " and " button " ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/skin/ )
[SB] - Added brand new .tga icons for the difficulty levels in the Conquest creation menu ( Path: UAW_interface.pak/interface/skin/game/button/ )
[SB] - Lowered preparationTime to 2 seconds ( Path: UAW_set.pak/set/multiplayer/games/ )
[SB] - Changed in the dlg_frontend.pot file the level of difficulty name from " Serviceman " to " Volunteer " otherwise the displayed text was too long ( Path: localizations/default.pak/default/interface/text/ )
13.08.23 - версия 0.8d beta:
[LD] - Replaced the Leopard 2a7 by the 2A6 and retextured it(As it is what Ukraine actually use IRL), ready to be used both multiplayers and conquest
[LD] - Replaced the M2A3 Bradley by the M2A2 one and fully retextured it from bottom( This is what Ukraine also use IRL), It is completely ready to be used for both multiplayers and conquest
[LD] - Added a Tiger-M for both RGF and Wagner, it is fully ready to be used for both multiplayers and conquest
[LD] - Fixed a helmet for Wagner that was sharing the same texture as the one used for T4 Ukraine which has yellow markings on it, Wagner has now its own model of the same helmet but without the markings
[LD] - Reinstalled back the old T1 for RGF and fixed their body armors and helmets.
[LD] - Added T-80BV for PMC Wagner.
[LD] - Added T-80UM for PMC Wagner.
[LD] - Added T-90a for PMC Wagner.
[LD] - Added BPM-97 for Russia Ground Forces.
[LD] - Created Chechens breeds under Russian Ground Forces.
[LD] - Created a new mechanized Squad with the BPM-97 of Kadyrovites.
[LD] - Imported new voices from Cold War Mod for the Ukraine Ground Forces.
[LD] - Transfered a M109 Paladin to Ukraine Ground Forces.
[LD] - Installed the Shilka from WF to Russian Ground Forces.
[LD] - Installed the Shilka from WF to Ukraine Ground Forces.
[LD] - Installed the Shilka from WF to PMC Wagner.
[LD] - Replaced the T-72BM for Ukraine Ground Forces to a T-72B Obr 1989g K-1, model formed from a mix of equipments from the T-72B3 and T-72B1 by our team.
[LD] - Installed new animations for humanskins ( credits: Trofim's mod aka "Operation denazification of Ukraine" and GoH ).
[LD] - Changed the Wagner flag when a point is captured.
[LD] - Updated the T-80bv and T-80bvm in Russian Green.
[LD] - Retextured T2 Humanskins( Ukraine Ground Forces ).
[LD] - Retextured T4 Humanskins ( Ukraine Ground Forces ).
[LD] - Retextured T5 Humanskins by SBU instead of AZOV ( Ukraine Ground Forces ).
[LD] - Changed vehicles for Mechanized Squads. ( All factions ).
[LD] - New humanskin for T4 Russia Ground Forces ( Spetsnaz ).
[LD] - Reworked T3 Russia Ground Forces ( VDV ).
[LD] - Reworked T1 PMC Wagner (Patches mostly).
[LD] - Reduced the mod weight.
[LD] - Fixed T-90M x texture.
[SB] - Changed the background image for the research menu, in respect to the previous update above, with a better one that fits better the other interface elements
[SB] - Added the following files:, logo_big.png
[SB] [LD] - Added credits to UAW mod authors and contributors in the " Credits " tab
[SB] [LD] - Added " Credits " text file in main folder of the UAW mod
[SB] - Added the UAW_sights.pak file in the resorce folder of the UAW mod
[SB] - Added the zoom_vignette_infantry_pso.png file to change the colour of the SVD Dragunov from black to red
[SB] - Added the folder named " Documentation " in the main folder of the UAW mod
[SB] - Added the file named " campaign_capture_the_flag.set so to lower the initial waiting time to 3 seconds
[SB] - Added the necessary RUS and UKR ( Opfor/Nato ) .tga files to have new Defence/Attack icons displayed over the Conquest background map
[SB] - Added file
[SB] - Edited the file named "dlg_ingame.pot " so to have the new icons system for inflicted and sustained kills
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