Hotmod 1968 v0.3d

Hotmod 1968 — это проект, цель которого — перенести холодную войну во Врата ада. Как следует из названия, основное внимание в моде уделяется ранним годам холодной войны — с 1950 по 1969 год — периоду, который часто упускают из виду в средствах массовой информации и поп-культуре, но он полон интересных послевоенных событий и зарождающихся новых технологий. В конце концов, мы расширимся до позднего периода, охватывающего период с 1970 по 1989 год.
Этот мод будет включать в себя широкий ассортимент транспортных средств, оружия и снаряжения периода холодной войны, а также охватывать силы НАТО и Варшавского договора (а также неприсоединившихся) в теоретический сценарий Третьей мировой войны.
В настоящее время запланированы:
- НАТО: США, Великобритания, Франция, Западная Германия
- Варшавский договор: СССР, Восточная Германия, Чехословакия, Польша
- Неприсоединившиеся: Китайская Народная Республика, Швеция, Югославия
В моде будет представлено множество различных видов оружия и транспортных средств, а также элементы американской воздушной кавалерии, бронекавалерии и морской пехоты США, а также советских ВДВ, ВМФ и артиллерийского корпуса.
Я сосредоточусь на Skirmish/MP и Conquest для разработки, а Миссии и Кампании будут второстепенными в будущем.
1960-е годы были бурным десятилетием холодной войны. Вторжение в залив Свиней, кубинский ракетный кризис, убийство Джона Кеннеди, строительство Берлинской стены, Тонкинский залив и война во Вьетнаме, выход Франции из НАТО, арабо-израильская война 1967 года, движение за гражданские права и король массовые беспорядки, Культурная революция, Пражская весна, май 68-го, 68-е, советско-китайский раскол.
Это было также время преобразований для военного искусства, когда доктрины и технологии, которые теперь являются обычными, впервые получили свое начало: управляемые ракеты, БМП, основные боевые танки и вертолеты стали играть все большую роль на поле боя.
Hotmod продемонстрирует интересную эволюцию ведения войны и то, как она изменилась за 20 лет после окончания Второй мировой войны.
ЗАВОЕВАНИЕ работает так же, как выбор Альянса в Схватке. Когда вы начнете кампанию завоевания, игра случайным образом выберет другой АЛЬЯНС, который станет вашим врагом. Это НЕ МОЖЕТ измениться. Если в этом альянсе более одного члена, каждая миссия будет случайным образом выбирать, кто из них будет. Если в этом альянсе НЕТ более одного члена, вы будете сражаться только с этой нацией.
ПРИМЕР: Восточный договор и Варшавский договор состоят только из одного члена: Китая и Советского Союза соответственно. Поэтому, если вашим противником будет выбран Варшавский договор или Восточный договор, вы всегда будете сражаться только с Советским Союзом или Китаем. Только у НАТО в настоящее время реализовано более одного; воюя с НАТО, вы будете воевать либо с США, либо с Западной Германией.
В настоящее время в Hotmod есть 3 альянса (завоевание):
Варшавский договор (Советский Союз, Польская Народная Республика)
НАТО (США, Западная Германия)
Неприсоединившиеся (Китай)
Этот мод содержит активы из ряда источников, а также оригинальные произведения его создателей. Если вы хотите использовать их, пожалуйста, сначала спросите.
К вашему сведению, ванильные фракции (Германия, СССР и Финляндия времен Второй мировой войны) были почти УДАЛЕНЫ из мода, насколько это возможно, из-за того, что Gates of Hell случайным образом выбирает ваших противников при запуске динамической кампании.
Compatibility patch for update V1.049.0 - CU4, part 2
- Increased max timer and max MP for "Frontlines" game mode;
- Numerous bug fixes
21.12.24 - v0.3c:
- Hotmod compatibility for "Frontlines" game mode;
- Fix AI not spawning in other mods including DCG (due to folder heirarchy change by GOH)
- Polish airborne doctrine changes/updates with new mechanics;
- Airborne doctrines now have a paradropped squad and light vehicle unlocked immediately at start of battle in Skirmish/MP;
- Bubingen copied over to DCG version of map;
- Fix ISU-152 and IS-2 _x issues;
- Fix BMD-1s not firing;
09.12.24 - v0.3b:
More fixes for some reported issues.
- Fix paradrop mechanic resulting in duped vehicles (Conquest);
- Fix several paradropped vehicles being unable to load crew;
- Fix helicopter transports not returning to player control after unloading their cargo;
- Fix CAS helicopter runs appearing as saved units post-battle (Conquest);
- Fix Polish BS-3 causing crashes;
- Remove collision volumes on helicopter rotorblades to help with collision issues when spawning more than 2-3 at a time;
- Fix up costs of a lot of paradrop/heli squads (generally they are/should be ~$200 more expensive);
- Re-added CP costs for vehicles so tanks aren't 4 CP;
Some pretty significant changes and additions:
- Add paratrooper functionality in Conquest and MP/Skirmish; Soviet VDV and American 82nd Airborne now have a selection of air-droppable units, equipment and vehicles at their disposal. Currently Soviet paradrops utilize Mi-8 helicopter while Americans utilize Ch-47 Chinooks, until such time as I can implement An-12s and C-130s;
- Revamp functionality/implementation of helicopters; created a whole slew of new helicopter-deployed assets and new functions for US Air Cavalry and Soviet VDV;
- 2 types of helicopter transport:
- Sling-loaded helicopters have new "Release Sling Load" button in the Special Options menu; this will have them drop their slung load but then continue to be player-controllable;
- Helicopters with internal cargo must land, and have the "Unload Cargo" button that will pop out their carried equipment. Like sling-loaded helicopters, it remains player controllable afterwards;
- Transport helicopters that have dropped off their loads can then land and deploy any passengers as normal, as well as continue to operate as passenger-only transports;
- New "Return to Base" button added to have helicopters take off and fly home.
- Poland will get similar update in near future;
- For more detailed information and visuals, see here:
- Re-arranged and revamped Soviet and US tech trees, primarily to introduce new aerial assets as above;
- Also re-arranged Radio section of Conquest trees into a single unlock with multiple branches;
- Truncated some aerial options for streamlined design & gameplay choices;
- US given unlocked M47 Patton and M41 Walker Bulldog; Soviets given unlocked T-34-85M and IS-2M at start of DCQ;
- Difficulty of AI opponents during Conquest increased somewhat;
New/Changed Units:
- Proper USMC variants for M48 and M103 tanks, & separation of M103 and M103A2 (a mid-60sUSMC-only upgrade);
- Added M706 "V-100 Commando" for US (available as a National Guard security patrol in Artillery & Support doctrine);
- Added proper "low" mounts for M2HB .50 cal and DshK heavy machineguns;
- Added M151 MUTT with M134 minigun for Special Forces (Conquest only);
- Added 9P132 Grad-P single-tube rocket launcher for Soviet Spetsnaz;
- Added BTR-50PU (Engineer) as ultimate Soviet engineer unlock (Conquest only);
- Create PT-76 obr. 1957;
- Create multiple types of AT rifle grenade for pre-M72 LAW US forces (M28 HEAT, M31 HEAT, M1 Grenade Adapter);
- Create extended variants of Soviet RKG-3 AT grenade (RKG-3T and RKG-3EM);
Other tweaks/misc:
- Increase brightness of Research tree connection lines for better readability;
- GAZ-67 retexture;
- BA-64 retexture;
- Add new sound profiles courtesy of GOH latest expansion;
- M46 Patton;
- M16 MGMC retexture;
- Plethora of other tweaks and minor bugfixes;
22.10.24 - v0.2b2:
- Fix US conquest crash;
- Fix M16 Halftrack name;
- Fix D-20 spawning with extra crewman in Conquest (also fix name);
- Fix ??? M60 and IS-3M camera views
- Remove 'waypoint' crash issue on some maps/game modes (sorry!)
- Remove ghost Chinook squad or maybe just make it not crash, I might have forgotten to remove it actually lmao
- Fix M16 MMGMC causing crashes
20.10.24 - v0.2:
Big changes coming.
- Revamped UI, new vehicle damage profile views, new main menu background; infantry changed to show helmet in profile fiew (bottom left);
- New units/weapons (may or may not actually be implemented):
- IS-2M (unused, for 1950s)
- IS-3M (Soviet Conquest tree)
- ISU-152K, ISU-122M and ISU-152M (replace existing WW2 copies)
- LARS 1 (West German artillery doctrine)
- ACH-47A Guns-a-Go-Go (US Aircav Helicopter sortie)
- MAN 630 (West German medium truck)
- UH-1B "Frog" with M5 grenade launcher armament subsystem (US Aircav Helicopter sortie)
- West German DM34 Handflammpatrone (basically an M72 LAW that shoots napalm)
- Fixes:
- FINALLY fixed enemy attack direction arrows appearing on minimap during Conquest battles
- Finally was able to fix up armor volumes on a few tanks, notable M48s and T-10s; M48s in particular should be much better protected frontally now
- Various other fixes, I don't remember them all and I'm terrible at keeping track
- Other little things like MVD caps, Chinese civilian caps, new Polish 'enumerator' font, etc
Some of these new units haven't been added to Conquest trees, they will be soon, I'm just strapped for time and trying to rush a release.
30.07.24 - v0.01d2:
Small compatibility patch for latest GOH update.
Minor bugfixes & additions
- Added some custom road signage & car wrecks (VW Beetle, Buick Sedan) to modify maps with;
- Used some new assets to attempt to modernize a few maps (Crossing, Farmstead, Holzbach, Kalinin, Voronezh);
- Replaced most instances of MG1 drum version with MG1 belt version;
- M35 truck family remaster; new textures, M39C Fuel Tanker added;
- M102 Light Howitzer added;
- ZU-23-2 remaster;
Some tweaks/fixes:
- M48A3 (ACAV) added to ACAV section of Conquest;
- M114 CRV family moved from ACAV section to AFV section;
- Fixed last version's helicopter engine toggle fix breaking helicopter 'insertion' button, now fixed;
- Some cleanup of (mainly Soviet) AI bot script to remove non-existent entries;
- Chinook updated with 30 seats (lol)
Hotfixes & West 81 compatibility patch
- Compatibility patch for West 81 (truncate colliderIDs);
- Fix Alouette II wreck shinanigans;
- Fix Alouette window collision/breakage;
- Add Alouette II with four MG1s;
Many fixes and some new stuff.
- Added Kanonenjagdpanzer for West Germany (non-doctrine);
- Added Raketenjagdpanzer 2 for West German Panzertrupp Doctrine;
- Added SE.3130 Alouette II (unarmed and SS.11 versions) for West Germany; SS.11 version in Panzergrenadier doctrine, unarmed as a non-doctrine Recon sortie;
- Added UH-1D (texture) for West German Luftlandtrupp squad in Panzergrenadier doctrine;
- Fixed German Luftlandtrupp airborne squad to have proper number of squad members;
- Updated some map scripts courtesy of Nikral;
- Added radiation zone effect for nuclear explosions;
- Added radiation sickness effect for exposure to radiation zones;
- Added 'thermal flash' effect for Davy Crockett that sets infantry near the explosion but outside the blast radius being incinerated;
- Will continue to update this mechanic;
- Updated Holzbach, Kalinin to modernize them;
- Fix Polish PT-76B missing sounds;
- Remove trigger for enemy plane alert;
- Fix popup message at start of Conquest battles;
- Fix Guards squad in Independant Tank doctrine missing RPG;
- Fix missing engine toggle button & move ascend/descend button for helis to bottom right spot;
- Improve M114 CRV variants embarkation rules;
- Fix BRDM-2 floating turret;
- Fix localization for Polish Reservist squads;
- Fix BTR-60PA so it can be used when captured;
- Fix missing PRC "Special" troop localizations;
- Fix inventory view for M26 grenade;
- Fix broken explosion FX for certain grenades;
24.03.24 - v0.09b:
Small bugfixes
- Fix BMD-1 paradrop crash on Conquest;
- Fix a couple more missing/wrong MP costs for skirmish units;
- Fix a couple missing localizations;
Mostly compatibility, some tweaks and fixes
- Compatibility for latest GoH version;
- New US humanskins testing a new randomization script that randomly selects one of 10 different head/gear combinations (both head and gear randomizes separately);
- Touch/ups and tweaks of US infantry textures;
- Flakvests removed as a separate object, they are now a gear choice randomized above;
- Fix M103 MP cost;
- Fix M67 Zippo crew number;
- Fix Heavy Weapon deploy/undeploy button location;
- Fix GDR GAZ-69_x being selectable (and crashing) in Unit Library;
- Fix BR-60 series wheel shinanigans;
21.01.24 - v0.08c4:
- Fix crash on starting a Conquest campaign
- Fix Conquest crashing when opening Research screen while playing as Soviets
17.01.24 - v0.08c2:
- Fix Conquest startup CRASH (had to REVERT previous change removing vanilla factions from conquest :( )
- Fix incorrect references to old unit entity names;
- FIX HP for a slew of infantry - basically all non-basic infantry was not receiving their proper HP, fixed!
- Tone down radar spin speed on Shilka;
04.01.24 - v0.08b:
- Fix M59 Long Tom crash;
- Fix missing SU100 build menu pic;
- Modify a few maps to replace WW2 vehicle wrecks with Hotmod ones;
- Fix AI M114 commander/mg crew bailing out all the time by removing passenger seats, apparently;
- Fix window/door component IDs on all GAZ-51-based vehicles so they damage properly;
- Fix M108 and M109 spawning with only 4 crewmen - they now spawn with their 2nd loader;
- Fix US Artillery doctrine Entac Squad (was spawning a squad of 82nd Airborne troops in an M113, lmao)
- Various localization fixes
- Fix a few West German damaged vehicle textures not working;
- Fix T-62 obr 1960 not having damage textures;
03.01.24 - v0.08:
Happy New Year everyone! We have been motivated by GOH's updates that brought special squads in the squad menu for every doctrine, so of course we had to take it one step further. We've heavily revamped how doctrines are implemented so that doctrine-specific units can now be found spread out in all menus, not just the Doctrine menu, and be purchased with MP instead of DP. Each doctrine will still have a core of universally shared squads, weapons and vehicles common to every doctrine, but these will be relatively light and unremarkable units - basically everything up to Light Tanks, mortars and recoilless weapons/light AT emplacements.
What this means is that each doctrine will now overall have drastically different selections of units, many of which aren't found anywhere else. Of course, all the truly special Doctrine-unique units will still be in the Doctrine menu available only for Doctrine Points.
This is a work in progress design and we'll undoubtedly need to tweak it for balancing, so please report how your games are going!
- As explained above, revamped doctrine systems to spread doctrine-specific units into different menus as well as a bunch of rebalancing and refactoring;
- Basic doctrine infantry squads (USMC, US Cav, VDV etc) now available for purchase with MP in the standard Infantry Squad menu for most doctrines;
- Exception to this is China, who has Militia, Conscripts and a basic Volunteers squad available to all doctrines and no common advanced infantry for any doctrine;
- Condensed a few doctrines - the two USMC doctrines have been combined back into one, and the Soviet Spetsnaz and Red Banner doctrines have been dismantled and their units spread to other doctrines (mostly VDV and Independent Tank, respectively);
- China now has Northern (Catalogue A), Southern (Catalogue B), and Artillery doctrines;
- West Germany now has a dilapidated Artillery doctrine with a few heavy guns of US origin;
- Chinese infantry types have been reorganized into Militia, Conscripts, Volunteers and Veterans, with "Special Soldiers" serving as scouts and infiltrators;
- Polish OTK doctrine retooled into 'Praski Pułk Zmechanizowany', or Prague Mechanized Regiment, which will be a balanced doctrine focused on (regular) mechanized troops and tanks;
- Artillery callins are now back in the Offmap Callins menu and have been reduced to Smoke, Light, Medium and Heavy bombardments, with the latter two available only to Artillery doctrines;
- Aircraft callins reduced to Medium and Napalm/WP for most;
- Command Vehicles removed & are no longer required for offmap callins;
Other changes not directly related to the above changes:
- A few US weapons adopting new firing sounds from their counterparts in Liberation DLC;
- Added Chinese Type 56 Recoilless Rifle, a copy of the American M20 from examples captured in Korea;
- Fix TP cameras for American SPGs;
- Increase crew of American SPGs to 5 by adding a 2nd loader position, though I think I forgot to actually implement this in the squads files lol;
- Fix filesize on BTR-60PB textures;
- Tweaking bombs and callin artillery bombardments to try and make them a bit more potent/effective;
- Add PT-76 early variant for Poland;
- Protective potency of helmets increased;
- Lots of behind the scenes changes to clean up files, redice filesizes & file counts and speed up load times;
25.12.23 - v0.07d2:
Compatability patch for latest GOH update & small tweaks & fixes
Small hotfix for ACAV vehicle issues
- Fix ACAV vehicles crashing on select
- Couple missing icons
- T-64 texture tweaks
- Fix Air Cav squads 0 cost in Conquest;
- Retexture US rucksacks;
- Implement proper Engineer & Medic skins with backpacks
- Fix hand textures (maybe I missed some)
- Clean up colliders.set and purge unused colliderIDs
- Compatability for new 88mm slope multipliers from GOH update;
- TESTING increasing base human health from 100 > 150 to see how it plays. Please report findings.
- TESTING giving AK family harsher spreadtable for less accuracy at range when rapid firing;
- Add some Bundesgrenschutz infantry breeds & updated texture & BGS doctrine squad in Skirmish;
- Fix missing textures on several West German tanks;
- USMC and ERDL versions of flak vests (USMC is slightly tan-hued);
- Improve Leopard texture, specifically in regards to details (bags/tools);
02.12.23 - v0.06c:
More compatibility and bugfixes from Liberation
- Tweaking numerous files to account for changes introduced in Liberation
- A handful of missing unit_icons, mainly for Doctrine units;
- Retexture for M114 Command Reconnaissance Vehicle;
- Add Liberation maps to "Europe" Region. I have no idea what will happen if you get a Liberation map while not having Liberation. Should be fun!
- Add Liberation as required DLC
- Fix Chinese trucks causing crashes;
- Fix some broken portraits/icons/skins;
- Fix M37 (Engineer) not getting a bunch of engineering equipment in its inventory;
- Increases # of Repair Kits in Engi trucks from 5 to 10;
- Add lvl# tags to tier 0 infantry to make sure they're properly seeding maps in Conquest;
- WIP x and xx models for T-64 (Obj 432);
- Update Lua AI scripts to fix AI selecting doctrines, which they will now do;
- Move M728 CEV from Support to Tank doctrine to give it a bit more beef;
29.08.23 - v0.04b2:
More hotfixes from 0.04 release, compatibility for GoH 0.030 update, a couple of goodies.
Emergency sub-patch for crash issue in Conquest;
- Fix Conquest crash;
- Fix missing US engineer truck
- Fix missing ENV files;
- Fix m20_rcl_ai in AI purchase script;
- Armored Cavalry Squadron doctrine renamed to Armored Cavalry Regiment (based on 11th ACR);
- Fix PRC Sappers costing 0, also fixed their name so it is clear which is which;
- Fix Polish Ural 375 and KraZ-255 missing damage views;
- Fix PK deployable team icon;
- Fix PRC ZiS-3 localization;
- Fix VDV B-10 squad localization;
- Add localization for "default" breeds used in Conquest;
- Add German Cobra ATGM to resupply list;
- Polish PT-76B moved to Tier 2 doctrine unit;
- US tank voiceover dialogues;
- New UH-1B model;
- Suspension lower feature for BMD-1;
21.08.23 - v0.04a:
Some bugfixes, mostly.
- Added new textures for M110 self-propelled gun.
- Fix German Cobra ATGM not unpacking properly;
- Fix Spetsnaz not getting 175% HP boost;
- Fix M56 Paradrop crash;
- Properly tag 82nd Airborne breeds so they use up CP;
- Added Airborne Entac Squad with 3 x Entac launcher backpacks;
- Added SADM - Special Atomic Demolition Munition - a nuclear satchel charge comprised of W54 nuclear warhead (same as in Davy Crockett) with 20 second timer.
- Add 'Green Light Team', a team of 3 Special Forces Operators including an Atomic Demolution Specialist with an SADM, to US Air Cav Doctrine;
- Fixed Davy Crockett projectile disappearing after being fired;
- Removed now-unused FAC infantry breeds;
- Fix Polish BRDM-2 to be actual Polish BRDM-2;
- Fix Polish 9P110;
- Fixed M48 coax MG not working;
- Added Polish People's Republic (Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa) as a playable nation in MP/Skirmish and as an AI-only adversary in Conquest, complete with two full doctrines.
- Added a bunch of Polish vehicles with more to come, like the TOPAS and TOPAS-2AP, specially-armed variants of the GAZ-69, Polish T-54AM series, and lots more.
- Added Polish voice acting lines from various sources.
Many, many small tweaks & changes:
- All doctrines changed & expanded, with former doctrines balkanized and cannibalized to make a larger number of doctrines with more concrete gameplay elements and focuses rather than simply focusing on being more powerful.
New doctrines are thusly:
- Armored Cavalry Squadron
- USMC Battalion Landing Team
- Air Cavalry Squadron
- Armor Battalion Task Force
- USMC Expeditionary Brigade
- Airborne Battle Group
- Artillery & Support
- Guards Motostrelki
- Heavy Independent Tank Brigade
- Order of the Red Banner
- Air Assault Brigade (VDV)
- Naval Infantry Brigade (VMF) (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
- Artillery & Support
- Northern Unit (Catalogue A)
- Southern Unit (Catalogue B)
- 7 Łużycka Desantowa (Marines)
- 6 Pomorska Powietrznodesantowa (Airborne)
- Brygada Obrony Terytorialnej (OTK) (NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED)
- Dywizjon Artylerii (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
West Germany
- Jagdkampfkompanie (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
- Panzerkampfkompanie
- Artilleriekompanie (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
These changes will not only help to keep all doctrines viable, but also help balance doctrines from less powerful countries that might not be bestowed with the most powerful technology and equipment.
Added new HATCH MECHANIC to replace vanilla hatch mechanic with a toggle-able, automated system created by Ochumelov! Ochumelov has joined the Hotmod team and already done a lot of great things behind the scenes, such as this mechanic:
- Crew manning pintle-mounted weapons like commander cupola AAMGs or MGs on APCs will now take cover
when under fire, similar to infantry on the ground;
- This behaviour can be toggled between ON, OFF, or INTELLIGENT mode. The default is intelligent mode (AI will
act on their own accord).
- This has allowed us to make the cupola MGs on the T-54 and T-62 series operated by the Loader instead of the
commander MG, as it should be.
- When the main gun is being used, the loader will go inside to act as loader automatically.
- Please report feedback about this mechanic as we finetune it!
- Revamped ALL WEAPON RANGES, accuracies and incorporation of defines for weapon stabilization and rangefinding.
- The DAVY CROCKET nuclear device has been radically changed. It is now much smaller than before, but still the most powerful explosive in the game by an order of magnitude. It is also now not limited by ammo as it was before and can now be re-armed directly from Artillery Supplies without the need to transport a new warhead into it. Stay tuned for more armageddon in the near future..
- Added AH-1G HueyCobra to the US Air Cavalry doctrine. It is untextured.
- Added CH-37 Mojave heavy transport for USMC forces;
- Command Vehicles have been temporarily removed and replaced with a single command vehicle available in the US and Soviet Artillery & Support doctrine. These will have access to artillery callins.
- Airstrike callins have been tuned and simplified into 6 versions: Light, Medium, Heavy and Superheavy Bombs, as well as Cluster and White Phosphorous or Napalm firebombs. These are now universally available - for the time being - though with significant DP costs and cooldown timers.
- Conquest callins are also streamlined, with Radio 1 now unlocking artillery callins and Radio 2 unlocking airstrike callins.
- Generally removed Mi-4A with four UB-32 rocket launchers as this version was more-or-less developed by Czechoslovakia only.
- Removed heli-CAS callins, save for the lightest available, as a scout.
- Some other changes that I can't remember.
04.06.23 - v0.03:
This includes some small tweaks & fixes and a surprise..
- New floating icons for Chinese infantry;
- Fixed DKW Munga MG3 gunner surfing on his gun;
- M35 changed from "heavy" to "medium" truck;
- Unimog price adjusted from 200>150 as it is a "light" truck
- Fix checkerboard feet for Early Germans;
- Fix forgetting to actually upload new M41 textures;
22.05.23 - v0.02e:
Small update
- Retextured M108 and M109;
- Functioning M109G with smoke launchers for West Germany;
- Remove M108G from West Germany (possibly to be replaced in future with something they actually used);
- Fix Soviet Motor-Rifle squad to take cost of BTR-60 into account and thus increase its cost;
- (Hopefully) remove all dcg side 01 errors;
- Change PRC Guards infantry localization to "Veterans".
21.04.23 - v0.02c2 версия:
-Small bugfix for crash i caused with last update;
Small, small content & attempt to fix US crashing in Conquest;
- Added Walther P38 to West German troops, to replace M1911;
- Added an airlifted M50 Ontos for USMC in the Conquest tree (I didn't test it though lol);
- Fixed M40 and M1903 Springfield sniper rifle missing sounds;
- Tweaked difficulty (income levels) of AI in Conquest;
- PERHAPS MAYBE FINALLY fixed fighting the US causing crashes in Conquest (for the 4th time);
- Added Walther MPL, new XM177 and XM148 models, Carl Gustaf M2 anti-tank weapon, and XM21 and M40 sniper rifles;
- Added some more weapon LODs to improve performance;
- Normalizing AT weapon behaviour such as sounds & ranges; AT weapons now experience much more significant drop in accuracy at ranges > 50% their max range;
- Some fixes and tweaks for helicopters, such as using reconnaissance_50 command so helis will more often turn and circle targeted location rather than keep flying off into the sunset;
- Fix at least one source of crashing when playing against US in Conquest;
- NJ-130 properly given "Medium" tractor tag;
- Fix 61K crew amounts;
- Nikral's AA auto-target script updated, AA weapons in movement mode will now deploy when they detect an enemy aircraft instead of simply stopping but remaining in movement mode;
29.03.23 - v0.02a версия:
- Small fix for flying map prop ghost planes & heli-plane turn radius;
Helicopter revamps, bugfixes & tweaks
- Helicopters totally revamped, given working component damage, far thinner armour and overall more easily dealt with;
- AI given ability to call-in helicopter CAS runs. By default these runs will be sent towards a flag (priority enemy>neutral>friendly), blasting anything along the way. If they reach their destination they will sometimes turn around and loiter. The movement for this is currently pretty janky, just don't look too closely;
- To help defend against the oncoming tide of Soviet helicopter spam, 20mm FK/MK20-2 added for West Germany, a single-barrel 20mm AA gun based on the same Hispano-Suiza 20mm autocannon as on their Schutzenpanzers. This replaces the M45 quad mounted .50 cal;
- Hopefully institute fixes for common crashing when facing West Germany in conquest;
- Carried anti-tank launchers (Bazookas, RPGs etc) have all had their effective ranges reduced to about 66% (2/3rds) of their maximum range. They still have the same max range but accuracy past that 66% mark drastically reduces;
- Also changed sound profiles for AT launchers to be more realistic/conformist;
- Some small little tweaks here and there;
22.03.23 - v0.019e версия:
- обновлен для новой версии игры 1.028.0.
08.03.23 - v0.019d версия:
- Replaced all infantry ammo rucksacks with a single deployable Ammobag. When deployed, it places a small ammo pile with a small resupply radius for your troops to use. Ammobags themselves (or rather the troops that carry them) can be resupplied via ammo trucks.
- Went over all 600+ infantry breed files to normalize equipment, stats & abilities. Medics, Engineers & Sappers given more smoke grenades. Engineers given minimum of 1 satchel charge with chance to have a 2nd.
- Myriad other small bugfixes: Fixed 2xCluster bombrun, and numerous other small things.
Small update to gunbags & some other tweaks:
- Slightly increased health of basic Rank 1 soldiers (conscripts, crewmen, supporters etc) from 125 to 150;
- Upgunned weapon crews; instead of pistols they'll now generally have some more appropriate and harder-hitting weapons like rifles or SMGs;
- Tweaked deployable weapon bags so that they no longer count as bags (with their own inventory) and instead static items. This means you can now pick them up by holding the Item highlight button (default X I think?) and clicking on them.
- FIXED M192 Hawk not auto-targeting aircraft;
- Fixed M551 missing X and XX textures;
- Fixed deployable MG3 not deploying;
Small hotfix.
- Fix crash on assaulting West Germany in Conquest (incorrect name for one of their defensive MGs);
- Fix AK-47 not being resupplied (still no idea);
- Fix T-10 obr 1957 missing mini-button;
Small bugfix patch + Soviet Conquest refactor:
- New Soviet research tree & conquest refactoring, now in line with US;
- Thanks to Nikral, script implemented to automate gunbag process - soldiers will now automatically get into weapons they deploy, and automatically pick up bags after breaking down a weapon;
- Localization fixes;
- Adding ASU-57, ASU-85 and BMD-1 airdrops for Soviet VDV (Conquest only);
- All new portraits for Soviet infantry displays & Conquest menu;
- West Germany added as its own faction to NATO forces in Skirmish mode;
- SPz 11-2 Kurz, SPz 12-3 Lang, SPz 12-3 with M40 RCL, Leopard A1,
- WEST GERMANY DOES NOT WORK IN CONQUEST (as enemy it will function);
- Added KrAZ-255, 2P27, BM-14 for Soviet Union; M60 (initial production) for US;
- Added lods of LODs for smallarms to help improve performance;
- Retextured a bunch of units: Ural 375 and BM-21 Grad, ZIL-130, M113 family, M151, BTR-60 series, M40 RCL, M37, probably more;
- AI in Conquest will now spawn defensive weapons in battles, primarily MG tripods and light AA and RCLs;
- Added 'gunbags': Light mortars, MG tripods and some smaller recoilless rifles as well as manportable ATGM launchers now come in backpacks which can are used to build the emplacement. Once built, they can be broken down with a new control panel button to revert back to a backpack (which needs to be picked up);
- Lots of little bugfixes and tweaks;
21.02.23 - v0.018h версия:
- ?
05.01.23 - v0.018g версия:
- Localization updates & fixes
- Fix T-62 obr 1962 engine sounds;
- Replace dynamic campaign map fixes that removed 'dcg side 01 error' message (still have to do this change for new maps introduced in Talvisota and Scorched Earth)
- New B-10 texture;
- Fix missing icons for D-1 howitzer;
- Add a couple unit icons for WGER;
- Reintroduce Officers for Skirmish, like vanilla they give you more CP;
- Add DKW Munga 4;
03.01.23 - v0.018f2 версия:
- Fix for random corrupted type 58 lod model causing crashes;
- Small tweak to PT-76 model and texture;
- Small localization fixes;
- Add new 100mm ammo to resupply files;
- Fix GDR BTR-50 crash;
- Add portraits for Chinese vehicles in Conquest;
- Some internal tweaks;
- New .30 cal tripod, unfinished;
- Reduced Soviet Ind. Tank Doctrine Conscript Platoon number of BTR-50s from 2 to 1;
- Added BDSh-5 droppable smoke bombs for T-10M;
- Added Commander periscope view for T-10M;
- Fix East German BTR-50P crash;
- Attempts to fix CAS crash in MP games;
- T-10 new texture;
- 122mm D-49 and M-62 made into separate weapons;
- Increased mortar accuracy;
- Fix free-cost Chinese troop options;
- Fix missing Veshmeshok LMG
- Fix invisible SKS
- Fix T-54A models missing headlights and rear lights;
- IFV map icon for SPz Lang;
- Free Trucks unlock in Conquest;
14.12.22 - v0.017 версия:
No huge updates or additions, just minor improvements, fixes and addition of things like towed guns. There are no big Conquest changes, these will be coming soon however. As before, do not attempt to play AS or AGAINST China in Conquest. It will not work.
- Added Spetsnaz Scout Motorcycle element;
- Fixes/improvements for BTR-50 series APCs;
- D-44, D-74, D-1, and D-20 cannons added & distributed where used;
- Type 62 Light Tank for PRC;
- Fix missing M551_x damaged texture;
- New 9P110 model and texture;
- Various localization fixes;
- Fix crewmen being added to AI garrisons on Conquest maps;
- Fix unintentional turret ring weak spot on M60 series vehicle that was allowing them to get killed frontally way too easily;
- PRC infantry breeds given proper skill levels;
- Type 63 rocket launcher moved from doctrine to default Emplacements menu for Skirmish/MP;
- M67 and M20 Super Bazooka retexture;
- MP2 added;
- Added SPz 12-3 Lang and accompanying Panzergrenadier squad for Bundeswehr doctrine, as well as expanded available Bundeswehr infantry types;
- Fixed broken T-54/55 tracks;
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