West 81 for Hotmod 1968 v30.01.25

Требуется мод: Hotmod 1968. 2. Now the AI will also try to use a transport plane to drop the paratroopers behind the player, so please be careful to protect your unarmed vehicle. Improvements: Pistol: 20m; Submachine gun: 40m; Assault rifle: 75m; Sniper rifle: 95m~100m; Light machine gun: 85m; Heavy machine gun: 120m; Recoilless gun: 110m; Tank gun: 145-155m. Anti-tank missile: 135-155m; Long-range artillery: 265-400+m; Mortar: 130~200m. (The range not mentioned has not been adjusted or has not changed much) 2. Remake the skirmish doctrine of the United States and the Soviet Union 3. Add some units and weapons Now, tanks equipped with the same model of main gun can use interchangeable ammunition: T-64A and T-72A; T-64B, T-72B, T-72B 1989, T-80B, T-80BV, T-80U, T80UK; M60, M60A1, M60A3; M1, M1IP; M1A1, M1A1HA, M1A2. Some tanks have received improved default ammunition, namely 3BM44-2 and M829A2. New vehicles, such as the M1A2 and Ural UMZ mine-clearing vehicle, are now available for use. new auto loader sound. Error corrections: Fixed the issue where the T-55AMD sometimes couldn't fire its gun. The TOW-2B introduced in this update is equipped with an Explosively Formed Projectile (EFP) warhead. The warhead contains a magnetic induction sensor and a laser photoelectric rangefinder that scans the ground. Once it reaches above the target, the sensor detonates the downward-facing explosive, attacking the top of the tank turret. China: ZTZ85 III, also known as Type 85-III, is a main battle tank developed from the Type 80. It has a different development direction compared to the Type 88. It is primarily an export-oriented tank, equipped with a 125mm smoothbore gun based on the T-72 Ural, an autoloader, a 1,000 horsepower engine, and the FY-2 first-generation heavy ERA. ZTZ85 IIM, the first main battle tank of the PRC equipped with a 125mm smoothbore gun. Soviet Union: T-80B New Mechanics: Considering various issues with the original hatch mechanic in GOH, it has been replaced with a new hatch mechanic. Now, vehicles with roof-mounted weapons have a hatch button that allows the gunner to take cover inside the vehicle. This function can be toggled between three states: Always outside, always inside, and intelligent/automatic mode. The default setting is intelligent mode, where the crew will automatically take cover inside the vehicle when under fire. Additionally, there are two additional settings: For tanks with loaders doubling as machine gunners, when the tank fires, the loader will enter the turret to reload, during which time the machine gun is unavailable. The handling of the Humvee has been changed to prevent it from easily flipping over. Partial adjustments have been made to the prices and population cost of existing helicopters, tanks, and IFVs. The overall principle is that higher-tier vehicles have higher CP point and are more expensive. These adjustments are temporary, and we look forward to your feedback.
Этот мод для «Hotmod 1968». Этот мод в основном для завоевания и многопользовательского режима. Если вы знакомы с знаменитым модом Холодная война, то этот мод - именно то, что вы искали.
Этот мод расширяет возможности оборудования и бронетехники из Соединенных Штатов, Советского Союза, Германии и Китая до 1990-х годов в hotmod 1968. Он стремится воссоздать различные сражения эпохи холодной войны, внедряя такие механизмы, как композитная броня, взрывоопасная реактивная броня, кассетные боеприпасы, парашютные транспортные средства, APFSDS с длинным/коротким стержнем, ракеты класса "земля-воздух" с инфракрасным наведением, инфракрасные средства противодействия и ложные цели, гидравлическая и пневматическая подвеска, активная система Thrush Система защиты, противотанковые ракеты с тандемной боеголовкой, боеголовка со взрывоопасным снарядом (EFP) и пусковая панель для M1 Abrams.
Для включения этого мода очень важна последовательность загрузки мода:
1. Включите Hotmod 1968, затем примите.
2. Включите West 81 for Hotmod 1968, нажмите принять.
Added camouflage nets to armored vehicles and tanks, which can significantly reduce the detection distance of tanks and armored vehicles.
Significantly reduced the number of airstrikes by AI in conquest mode.
Bug fixes:
1. Fixed the problem that C-130 could not take off on some maps.
2. Fixed the problem that some units in skirmish mode had no CD.
New mechanism:
1. Added breech, gunner panel, and autoloader components. When the breech and gunner panel are damaged, the tank will be unable to fire. When the autoloader component is damaged/the tank loses power, the tank will enter manual loading mode. The breech is a key component.
Balance adjustment:
The cp points of vehicles and tanks in conquest mode have been lowered.
The manpower points and cooling time of some units in skirmish mode have been adjusted.
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New vehicles: M1 Abrams with MCB
M60A1 with MCB
C-130 Hercules transport plane
New mechanics:
1. Now the 82nd Airborne Division's paratroopers and their vehicles can parachute onto the battlefield in C-130 transport planes. Both skirmish mode and conquest mode are available. Players only need to select a landing location, and a C-130 transport plane will appear on the battlefield and automatically drop soldiers without the need for player operation. (Note: 1. It takes time from arriving at the landing point to opening the cabin and starting the parachute process, so you need to prepare in advance when choosing a landing point. Don't choose a location too close to the edge of the map as a landing point, otherwise it will cause the plane to fly away without dropping any soldiers. 2. In order to restore reality, the crew of the US military's airborne vehicles will parachute with other soldiers instead of parachuting in the vehicle.)
The face model of the Federal German soldier has been changed.
Some other optimizations I can't remember.
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Fixed the error in the Soviet conquest tech tree.
Added BTR-80a to the Soviet tech tree
New units: Soviet Union added 2A65 howitzer and BTR80A infantry fighting vehicle.
PLA added ZZ96A and Shanqi trucks.
Bug fixes and optimizations:
1. Corrected the armor of the M114 series: significantly reduced the protective strength of its armor because it is made of aluminum alloy.
2. Reduced the detection distance of the laser designator, now 40m.
3. QBZ95 was equipped for PLA veterans and special forces.
4. Adjusted PLA's multiplayer game doctrine, added mechanized infantry regiments and motorized infantry regiments.
Fixed the issue that the game cannot add AI teammates in skirmish mode and crashes when loading to 100%; optimized the costs of some units
1. Adjust the range of various weapons.
Now the elite anti-tank shooters of the US military have obtained the M47 Dragon II anti-tank missile, and the elite infantry of the Soviet Union have obtained the RPG27 and RPG29. The ammunition of RPG7 is unified, and all RPG7 launchers can fire PG-7V, PG-7VL and OG-7V warheads. ACAV gets the M3A2 Cavalry Fighting Vehicle, USMC gets the M60A1 RISE (P).
4. Conquest Tech Tree Adjustment
Rangers tech tree was moved to the infantry line. , ACAV lost the M2A2 mechanized squad.
- update new version game 1.046.0.
Hotfix: Fixed the issue with AI defense tanks leaving their positions. Fixed the issue with krasnopol not being able to be guided to attack the ground.
New Mechanics:
1. Now in the conquest mode, there will be random defensive tanks in the enemy's defense points, and the tanks will become more and more advanced over time.
2. Added 2K25 "krasnopol" guided artillery shells
Before firing this shell, the player needs to use a laser designator to continuously illuminate the target. The laser designator is carried by a special team. Players can also find it in the storage space of the GRU spotter and 2S3M.
New units: M109A5, 2S1.
Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed the problem that the crew repeatedly got off the vehicle after repairing some vehicles.
2. Fixed the problem that the enemy AI would not track the target when using missiles such as javelins (this item needs to be verified again, but it should not affect the single-player experience)
Optimized the vehicle's choice of target shells. Now the vehicle will not use atgm to attack soldiers behind the bunker.
Improved tank targeting.
Changed equipment for 82nd Airborne.
Changed units for 82nd Airborne doctrine in skirmishes.
Bradley Mechanized Squad Javelin Shooters are now equipped with Javelin Launchers by default.
New Mechanics:
Players can now parachute soldiers via helicopter. You need to click a button to parachute soldiers, which is on the special button screen.
- fix bugs.
- fix bugs.
fix bugs and sync to latest version
New Units:
Hawk Missile Defense System: The Hawk missile combat unit consists of three main components: acquisition, fire control, and shooting. They are the M192 missile launcher, AN/MPQ-46 High Power Illuminator Radar (HiPIR), and AN/MPQ-55 Continuous Wave Search Radar. Just like in reality, players need to deploy the AN/MPQ-55 radar to search for airborne targets. Once a target is detected, the AN/MPQ-46 will automatically activate and continuously illuminate the enemy aircraft to provide guidance for the missiles. The M192 missile launcher will then autonomously track and launch the missiles towards the target. It's important to note that without radar illumination guidance, the missiles won't be able to hit the target.
BRDM-2 9K31 Strela-1 Anti-Aircraft Missile
9K35 Strela-10 Anti-Aircraft Missile, using optical/infrared guidance
Mi-28N Armed Helicopter
New Mechanism: Modifications to the line of sight.
Some error corrections.
The suppressive characteristics of the silenced rifles have been fixed. Now, using a silenced rifle to attack targets will no longer expose the soldier's position.
The noise characteristics of sniper rifles have been corrected, and now firing a sniper rifle will no longer alert enemies within 200 meters to the sniper's location.
The M4A1 suppressed carbine has been added for US soldiers.
The Type 85 suppressed submachine gun has been added for Chinese special forces.
Vehicle sounds and post-firing audio effects have been adjusted, and the currently loud reloading sound effects have been fixed.
Fixed the frontal armor of the M1IP to M1A1, allowing it to withstand attacks from 3BM42 at a distance of 150 meters and defend against 9M119 attacks.
Mechanism changes:
Significantly increased the resources available to players and AI.
Significantly increased the number of units that players and AI can deploy.
The AI will dispatch more tanks to attack players.
Mi-24 and Apache helicopters will appear on the battlefield.
New Mechanisms:
1. Shtora-1 Active Defense System: It consists of laser warning, automatic smoke grenade launchers, and infrared jammers. When a laser-guided missile is detected, the laser warning system activates,(indicated by a red light)and automatically launches smoke grenades. When an infrared-guided missile is detected, the Shtora-1 jammer activates, indicated by a yellow flash, attempting to disrupt the incoming missile while releasing smoke grenades. It's important to note that TOW2A and TOW2B missiles are not susceptible to jamming.
2. Improved visibility for reconnaissance vehicles, allowing them to spot tanks and other targets at greater distances (BRDM, BRDM2, Obj907, M114 series, M150).
3. The smoke generated by aerial smoke grenades can now block thermal imaging vision.
New Vehicles: T-80UK, MTLB (Ammo Supply)
New Unit: USMC Force Recon (equipped with M4A1 and M203 grenade launcher)
Tech Tree Changes: Conscript and Reserve infantry units no longer require research points to unlock. Some infantry squads have been removed (since they were rarely used).
Balance Adjustments: RPO-A range adjusted to 80 meters. Slightly increased blast radius and explosive power for SWAM and M67 high-explosive rounds. M60 machine guns replaced with M240 machine guns for advanced squads. US Reserve soldiers equipped with M16 rifles. Soviet soldiers now carry only one RPO-A rocket.
Bug Fixes: Added missing localization information, resolved an issue causing Conquest mode to crash when facing FRG opponents. Fixed the problem of AKMS ammunition not being resupplied. Corrected the issue where some tanks lacked airburst smoke grenades. Fixed the problem where Shilka and M163VADS radar could detect ground targets.
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implementing an automatic smoke grenade release when under attack. The airburst smoke grenades will only last for 10 seconds, but they can disrupt incoming Javelin missiles and the AI's line of sight.
Considering the workload and compatibility, not all tanks will have the automatic smoke grenade release feature.
Synchronized with hotmod's updates.
The Bradley does not engage light armored vehicles (such as the BTR) using ATGMs at the moment.
When loading the M830 High Explosive Anti-Tank-Multi Purpose, the M1A1 will attempt to engage infantry.
The FGM-148 Javelin, or Advanced Anti-Tank Weapon System-Medium (AAWS-M), is an American-made man-portable anti-tank system, Its fire-and-forget design features automatic infrared guidance, allowing the user to seek cover immediately after launch, in contrast to wire-guided systems, like the system used by the Dragon, which require a user to guide the weapon throughout the engagement. The Javelin's high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead can defeat modern tanks by top-down attack, hitting them from above, where their armor is thinnest, and is also useful against fortifications in a direct attack flight.
In the mod, apart from the FGM-148 anti-tank team, each Bradley mechanized infantry squad is equipped with an FGM-148 launcher and gunner. However, it should be noted that the launcher is stored inside the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle and needs to be manually retrieved by the player.
New Mechanism: Still feeling helpless when your tank catches fire? A brand new firefighting mechanism has been added! Within 20 seconds after the tank catches fire, you can select the firefighting button in the special menu on the control panel, which will consume one extinguisher and put out the fire, preventing any damage to the tank! However, if the fire burns for too long, it cannot be extinguished. Each tank is equipped with two extinguishers, and using one extinguisher will be required to put out the fire. Just like repair kits, they cannot be replenished on the battlefield (although players can "borrow" some extinguishers from elsewhere to replenish their supply).
- fixed.
fixed the attack effects of the TOW2B, and now it is functioning properly.
slightly reduced the range of the RPO-A.
Tandem Warhead Anti-Tank Missiles: The warhead of the tandem warhead anti-tank missile is equipped with a dual-stage tandem shaped charge warhead. The first stage is designed to defeat explosive reactive armor, while the second stage is used to penetrate the remaining armor. This solution effectively destroys tanks with explosive reactive armor. The anti-tank missiles in this update possessing this feature are TOW-2A and HJ-73E.
New Vehicles:
M2A2ODS, equipped with explosive reactive armor.
new he shell for m67;new SMAW lanucher for USMC;RPO-a for soviet;
Fixed an issue in the Conquest mode where the game would crash when the IL-76 was shot down.
Balance changes:
Slightly reduced the range of first-generation anti-tank missiles with MCLOS guidance.
Slightly reduced the range of high-explosive rounds for the BMP3.
Bug fixes:
Fixed the issue where the M1A1HA's APFSDS rounds were not resupplied correctly.
Fixed the issue with incorrect resupply of ammunition for the M270.
New units:
T-72B obr 1989
New mechanism: "drozd" Active Defense System, effective only against low-velocity projectiles (RPGs, ATGMs, recoilless rifle shells).
New Mechanism: Airdrop Vehicles
This update introduces a new airdrop mechanism for the VDV, adding the BMD-2 and 2S25. The operation varies in different game modes, please note:
In Conquest mode, players need to unlock radio_2 and BMD-2 crew/2S25 before they can unlock the airdrop support for these vehicles. Once unlocked, they can be added as support in battles. Players can choose the airdrop destination on the battlefield, where an Il-76 will airdrop the vehicle along with its crew to the specified location. After the battle ends, the vehicle will be retained, while the crew and corresponding soldiers will disappear.
In Multiplayer mode, when the corresponding doctrine unit is chosen, the Il-76 will appear on the battlefield and be controlled by the player. The player needs to command the plane to fly to the airdrop location and complete the airdrop by clicking the airdrop button on the control panel.
Some bug fixes
Balancing adjustments for multiplayer encounters
Added new ammunition for Leopard 1A1.
Fixed the issue of OBJ906 not reloading.
Other bug fixes and adjustments.
Fixed some bugs.
Added M1A1HA and BMD-2.
New feature:
The BMD series now has a variable-height suspension function.
fixed IP-TOW issue.
leopard 2a4 now will appear at 13 days in conquest
up vdv health.
When supply trucks are destroyed now, they will generate a severe explosion.but Only large-caliber high-explosive shells can directly trigger an explosion. Armor-piercing shells, small-caliber artillery shells, and light weapons will only destroy the vehicle. Furthermore, collisions nowadays can damage vehicles but will not cause them to explode.
Add night vision for T-80B
The composite armor values of T-80BV have been Fixed
The appearance time of advanced units has been adjusted, and they will now appear earlier on the battlefield.
The prices of certain units have been adjusted,to align it with its actual performance.
The bug with AAMG has been fixed to prevent the occurrence of the "remote-controlled machine gun" state.
The issue with the 2S25 ammunition rack damage not triggering properly has been resolved.
T-72A, T-72B, T-80B, and T-80U tanks can now dig trenches.
The cooldown time for the 2S25 in multiplayer skirmishes has been adjusted and reduced.
New Units:
For tanks where the commander doubles as a machine gunner (e.g., T-72), the turret's automatic rotation to search for nearby enemies only begins when the commander enters the turret.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where smoke effects would not disappear when helicopters take off.
Fixed an issue where ATGMs fired by players' helicopters sometimes failed to trigger reactive armor.
Balance Adjustments:
This update doesn't add any new vehicles, mainly functional updates and some adjustments to settings, as well as bug fixes. First, for the BMP-3, repairing it will no longer consume all of your repair kits. Second, sometimes the helicopter's passengers couldn't get on after landing, and I think that has been fixed. The M270's ammunition can now be resupplied with both types of rocket ammunition.
As for functional updates, now the trajectory of the high-explosive shells of the howitzers, including the BMP-3, is more curved and can cross obstacles, making them more practical. However, please note that this means that enemies can also take out your entire squad hiding behind cover with a single shot. Now, most vehicles' commander optic will automatically rotate to search for enemies.
tank now only relies on the perspectives of the commander, driver, and gunner to observe the surroundings, without the circular field of view.
add new ammo 9m117 for T-12
fix T-80U commander hatch issue
Add BMP-3
revise IFVs for Motostrelki、Heavy Independent Tank Bride and Red Banner Guards Combined Arms Brigade.
bug correction:
1. 4 kinds of HUMVEE don't have 100% crew efficiency,fixed. Now the additional two positions are used as passengers.
2. Fixed M1IP and M1A1 crew efficiency bug.Their standard crew group is 4 people. When the crew group is 4, they can reach 100% crew efficiency. As a passenger, an extra machine gunner will not affect efficiency.
3. AH-64 Apache and AH-1F crew efficiency bug Fixed.
4. Reduce the m270 ammunition supply cost, but it is still very expensive. Remember to use a supply vehicle to supply it before the end of the battle.
5. Fixed the igla and stinger target tracking bug. Now they can correctly pursue the air target and effectively destroy the helicopter. However, don't just use a MANPADS for Air defense.Use SPAAG and MANPADS Formed a combined air defense firepower.
1. The appearance of the 105 and 120mm shells of NATO has changed to make it more in line with history.
2. The projectile of the APFSDS has been replaced. and will discarding sabot when shooting.
The Soviet Union added T-80U and distributed to Heavy Independent Tank Bride. The T-72B in the original doctrine moved to Motostrelki.
The United States has added LAV-25, because the Army does not like it, so only USMC doctrine can be used.
BMP-1 and BMP-1P move to regular infantry research line.
Adjusted the rp points requirement for the US tank tech tree.
Some bugs correction.
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